Shadow of the Sun

It’s the first Thursday of the month, and that means that tonight it is time for another edition of Het Schimmengebied again on Radio Tonka via 92.0 FM in The and on the world wide web, as usual. This time a special extended edition from 23.00 till 01.00 CET, to celebrate these the descent of darkness in our blissfully ignorant lives. With your truly live for two hours, so don’t miss out.

Het Schimmengebied 5 October 2023

Today, in these bleak first weeks of autumn with temperatures almost touching freezing point, it is time for Het Schimmengebied again from 23:00 to 00:00 CET.

Once again with curious electronic experiments and, if the muses are in tune with us, improvised vocals, all performed live by your eternal host of Het Schimmengebied, Duistere Bardo.

This time you can listen not only via the website of Radio Tonka and 92.0 FM in The Hague, but also via the ZENDCast of the ZEND Media Festival, which takes place this week.

Duistere Bardo @ Antilounge 36 Release Party in The Grey Space, The Hague

This Saturday Duistere Bardo will play live at the Antilounge 36 release party in The Grey Space in the Middle in The Hague. Duistere Bardo will perform a short live set of 20 minutes from 22:30–22:50, crossing between haunting West Coast house, dystopian electro, and industrial soundscapes, including elements of his new track Onderstroom on the new Antilounge release. If you want to see me live next to a whole selection of other cool underground artists from The Hague – including Kopa 101, Cosmox, Juxtapoison, Elif Soğuksu, OK SJON, Robber & Gizmotron, Black Hawaii, Zeynep Okta, The Reptilians, Reg Desard, Andre Miranda, Foresense, and Alkaloid – be sure to drop by in time!

More info:

Antilounge 36 artwork

30 years Bunker Records Special in Het Schimmengebied tonight!

Next Friday is the 30th anniversary of Bunker Records celebration in the PIP in The Hague, where Duistere Bardo will perform next to a mountain of other artists.

Tonight, as a warm up to this joyous celebration, Het Schimmengebied will be dedicated to 30 years of Bunker Records, with only records from the stable of this notorious label from The Hague, carefully selected and mixed together by Duistere Bardo.

So tune in tonight from 23.00 to 00.00 to Radio Tonka via and on the air on 92.0 FM in The Hague and surroundings.

Announcement poster with a black and white photo of an old bunker from the Second World War in the Scheveningen dunes with the announcement for a Bunker Records special in Het Schimmengebied tonight on Radio Tonka

Where are you?

O dear Lord, it’s time for Het Schimmengebied again on Radio Tonka in less than half an hour from now. Tune in to 92.0 FM in The Hague, or from 23.00 till 0.00 CET to listen to Duistere Bardo’s 1337 mixing skills with 100% pure vinyl. Expect tunes from Amon Tobin, Astrobotnia, David Lynch and other eerie sounds from other dimensions and planes of existence.
psychedelic bright blue bridge at night

Hidden desires

Do we not all come forth from darkness? From the unknown, the abyss of existence? And do we not desire, even if only sometimes, to return to these dark, unknown origins?

And isn’t this why, at least those times that you think of it, you tune into Het Schimmengebied on Radio Tonka? Every first Thursday of the month from 23.00 till 0.00 at 92.0 FM (in The Hague) and

Tonight again! With a refined selection of electronic music, coming straight from the grooves of black vinyl records, carefully mixed live by yours truly, Duistere Bardo!

View over a railway in a small city, during a rainy, dark evening

Lost moments

Tonight, after my absence last month, there will be a new edition of Het Schimmengebied on Radio Tonka. This time I will dive into my record bag again, and sacrifice the grooves of a refined selection of old vinyl to the needles of the record players in the studio.

Don’t mis it! In a short moment from 23.00 till 0.00 at Radio Tonka via (and 92.0 FM in The Hague)!

Birds in the clouds in black and white

Dutch American Friendship

Tonight it is time for the next edition of Het Schimmengebied on Radio Tonka. This time the show will form a prelude to the upcoming performance of Duistere Bardo this coming Saturday, September 4 at the ‘Onze Ambassade’ Festival in The Hague.

Tune in tonight from 23.00 till 0.00 CET at (or 92.0 FM in The Hague) and listen live to tonight’s show, filled with live electronic music and poetic improvisations by yours truly!

More information on the festival this weekend (including ticket information): Onze Ambassade Festival #3

President Bush:  Meeting with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands