
Phantasms linger in the hidden corners of our minds, while we cherish the desire for escape from the hellish vortex we are collapsing into, failure after failure, attempt after attempt to embrace the light that is fading in front of us. Not sure whether it is dying out, or moving away from us in a free fall into darkness.

Tonight you can embrace the darkness that surrounds you, as the night passes over with a new edition of Het Schimmengebied with Duistere Bardo on Radio Tonka. From 23.00 till 0.00 CET on www.radiotonka.org and through 92.0 FM transmitting in the ethereal realms The Hague.


In less than an hour the next edition of Het Schimmengebied will start on Radio Tonka. Expect industrialized sounds and chaotic rhythms brought to you live by Duistere Bardo, unpredictable as always!

Tune in this Thursday night from 23.00 till 0.00 CET on www.radiotonka.org or 92.0 FM in The Hague to not miss out!

Eroded concrete wall from the second world war

The Eternal Return

After months, Duistere Bardo returns from reality back to ‘Het Schimmengebied’ on Radio Tonka to accompany the last shimmering rays of the sun with nocturnal sounds of the shadow world.

So tune in tonight from 23.00 till 0.00 to 92.0 FM in The Hague, or www.radiotonka.org elsewhere, and let yourself be embraced by the nightly frequencies of ‘Het Schimmengebied’.

Crackling sounds

What better way to start the new year than by drinking a glass of fine red wine, while listening to the crackling sounds of the greatest democracy on the planet collapsing under its own weight and tuning in to an intermediate edition of Het Schimmengebied on Radio Tonka?

Honestly, after sounding the horns of doom for years, I am not sure whether to just embrace the moment and shout “told you so” with a careful selection of nihilist industrial noise, or just tune out of the moment and play soothing ambient music while pretending everything is just fine, like most people have been doing all this time.

Whatever it will be, be sure not to miss out, and turn on your radio receivers at 92.0 FM in The Hague, or www.radiotonka.org elsewhere on this collapsing earth, between 23.00 and 0.00 CET.

Mirror Self

Tonight will be the final edition again of Het Schimmengebied, for a couple of months. Next months a new series of Rumoriii will take over the time slot of Het Schimmengebied. But tonight there will still be music to stir the darkest parts of your being. Brought to you by Duistere Bardo.

Tune in from 23.00 till 0.00 CET on Radio Tonka via 92.0 FM in The Hague, and www.radiotonka.org

Moments of fundamental uncertainty

Tonight it is time for a new edition of Het Schimmengebied. I am not sure yet what I will do this time, but probably it will be something live, just like last month. So if you want to experience this unique moment tonight, tune in to Radio Tonka from 23:00 till 0:00 CET on 92.0 FM in The Hague, or www.radiotonka.org. As if you have anything better to do.


Tonight, after a long break of 4 months, Het Schimmengebied is finally back with a nicely fermented new edition. Tune in live from 23.00 till 0.00 CET on Radio Tonka via 92.0 FM in The Hague, and www.radiotonka.org in the rest of the world.

Expect a chilling blend of post-punk, shoegaze, dark wave, cold wave and other strangely fitting selections for these curious times we live in.

View over the foggy maasvlakte

Rumoriii takeover

Starting tonight, ‘Het Schimmengebied’ will be replaced by ‘Rumoriii’ for the coming months with a special 4 part radio show organized by iii and hosted by Arthur Elsenaar.

Tonight I will introduce Arthur and interview him about his work as an artist, his life long experience as pirate radio maker, and the plans he and iii have for Rumoriii in the coming months.

Arthur Elsenaar at the Modern Body Festival in The Hague

Tune in from 23.00 till 0.00 CET on www.radiotonka.org in our current galaxy or 92.0 FM in The Hague for this special show tonight.

After tonight, enjoy the program of Rumoriii in the coming months every first Thursday of the month.

In July I will be back again with ‘Het Schimmengebied’ on Radio Tonka.

And a happy new year

Ja, dames en heren en enigerlei andere verschijnselen der Mensensoort, het nieuwe jaar is aangebroken, en een nieuw decennium komt daarbij ogenschijnlijk ook haar gezicht tonen. Maar nog altijd wordt deze donderdag van de maand de frequentie waarop Radio Tonka haar evangelie verspreid voorzien van de schimmige klanken van Het Schimmengebied, met uw eeuwige gastheer Duistere Bardo. Ditmaal zal dit verschijnsel geheel live muziek ten gehore brengen voor de slaperige oren die het geluk ten deel valt dat ze de golven van Radio Tonka in hun nabijheid mogen gadeslaan. Wees ook een van de gelukkigen, en stel uw ontvangstapparatuur in op 92.0 FM in regionen van ‘s Gravenhagen, of bezoek daarbuiten via uw internettoegangsmachine de url www.radiotonka.org van 23.00 tot 0.00 deze avond om van deze speciale klanken in des avonds te kunnen genieten.

Saint Nicolas

Tonight it’s time for a festive edition of Het Schimmengebied, as it will be the last one of this year, and during the eve of the Dutch Sinterklaasfeest. Whether feeling lonely this night, you’re trying to flee from your holiday obligations, or like to enjoy a soft and gentle come down from the horrors of ‘suprise’ presents, tune in from 23.00 till 0.00 CET on the usual channels 92.0 FM in The Hague and www.radiotonka.org.